We’ve accumulated all helpful resources and links to Federal and Virginia State programs for employment and work opportunities. These will help you to find relevant support, considerations, and the latest updates from all the concerned networks.

Federal and Virginia State Agencies & Programs


  1. Social Security Administration →
  2. Ticket to Work →
  3. Your Ticket to Work →
  4. Choose to Work →
  5. US Equal Opportunity Employment Commission →
  6. US Department of Labor →
  7. Department of Veteran Affairs →
  8. Department of Education →
  9. Project Search →
  10. Administration for Community Living →
  11. Birth Injury Justice Center—> (855) 945-1226 or

State of Virginia

  1. Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services →
  2. Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired →
  3. Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing →
  4. Virginia Department of Social Services →
  5. Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services →
  6. Virginia Department of Health and Developmental Services →
  7. Virginia Community Based Services →
  8. Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission →

Associations and Organizations


  1. Americans with Disabilities Act →
  2. What Can You Do? →
  3. Institute For Community Inclusion →
  4. National Autism Association →
  5. National Association of the Deaf →
  6. The ARC →
  7. National Organization on Disability →
  8. TASH Equity, Opportunity and Inclusion for People with Disabilities →

State of Virginia

  1. disAbility Law Center of Virginia →
  2. Virginia Board for People with Disabilities →
  3. Virginia Easy Access →
  4. Brain Injury Association of Virginia →
  5. National Alliance on Mental Illness – Virginia →
  6. Autism Society of Central Virginia →
  7. Olmstead Virginia →
  8. Virginia Association of Community Service Boards →

Employment and Job Networks


  1. Association for People Supporting Employment First →
  2. Job Accommodation Network (JAN) →
  3. O’Net →
  4. National Hire Network →
  5. Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) →

State of Virginia

  1. Virginia Association for People Supporting EmploymentFirst →
  2. Virginia Career VIEW →
  3. Virginia Employment Commission →
  4. Virginia Workforce Connection →
  5. Virginia’s Community Colleges – Career Readiness Certification →

Transportation and Health & Safety


  1. CARE Van →
  2. GRTC Transist System →
  3. Access Chesterfield Transportation Services →
  4. RADAR →
  5. S.T.A.R. Valley Metro →
  6. Logisticare →
  7. Transportation Request Form → Click here
  8. Upload Your documents → Upload here

Health & Safety

  1. US Department of Health and Human Services →
  2. Virginia Health Information →
  3. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services →
  4. FEMA →
  5. The Ready Campaign →
  6. Virginia Department of Emergency Management →
  7. Virginia Department of Social Services Domestic Violence →
  8. AARDVARC Domestic Violence Resources →
  9. CARITAS – Break the Cycles of Homelessness and Addiction →
  10. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline → | 1-800-273-8255

Housing and Meals Assistance



Assistive Technology

  • Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATS)
  • Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority


Education and Research

  1. Cornell University Yang Tan Institute
  2. The Red Book – Guide to Employment Supports for SSI and SSDI
  3. Social Security Administration Disability Publications
  4. Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors
  5. National Rehabilitation Information Center
  6. Typing Test
  7. Assisted Living Research Institute

Survey and Grievance Forms

Survey Forms

  1. Client Entrance Survey                       Download or Fill Online
  2. Community Stakeholder Survey           Download or Fill Online

Advocacy and Case Management

  1. Electronic Based Home Services           Download 
  2. Advocacy and Case Management         Download
  3. Advocacy and CM Pricing                       Download

Grievance Form

  • Grievance Form                                          Download here

people can anonymously email these forms to: 

Referral Form


  • Indicators of Adult Abuse                         Download here
  • Abuse Hurts At Any Age                           Download here
  • Adult Protection Services                         Download here
  • Adult Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation       Download here
  • CCS and Rise Services                              Download here

Consulting Connection Services